Legal Information
This website is owned and operated by Healdlaw Limited
Our principal place of business is at:
Artemis House
4 Bramley Road
Mount Farm
Milton Keynes
Legal Information
Heald Solicitors and Heald are trading styles of Healdlaw Limited.
Healdlaw Limited is registered at Companies House England and Wales.
Company Number. 07445422
VAT Number. GB 563 5627 25
Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA Number). 8005391
Registered Address.
Company Directors:
David Dees, Caroline Wilton, Shabnum Hussain, Kevin Windo and Tom Ansell
Heald Solicitors is a trading name of Healdlaw Limited
The information on our website is intended to provide an overview of the services that we provide and does not constitute legal advice. If you wish to discuss your particular circumstances please contact us.