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Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) Lasting powers of attorney experts in Milton Keynes

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a document giving legal authority to a trusted attorney to take actions on your behalf, such as signing paperwork, dealing with your finances or consenting to medical treatment.

If you should ever become unable to manage your affairs, an attorney appointed by you under an LPA can deal with matters for you. Without an LPA in place, it could be very difficult for your loved ones as they would not be able to access your money to pay bills on your behalf or make decisions about your care and welfare.

An attorney can be anyone that you choose, though normally a family member or close friend, that is at least 18 years of age, has not been declared bankrupt, and is trustworthy. Your attorney will be legally obligated to make decisions in your best interests as defined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Heald's Lasting Power of Attorney solicitors can explain the two different types of LPA to you and ensure that you have the right documents in place to allow your attorney to deal with your affairs as you would wish.

The two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney

The two types of LPA are:

  • A health and welfare LPA; and
  • A property and financial affairs LPA.

You can make one of each and have separate attorneys for each. You can also appoint more than one attorney and choose whether they can act independently of each other or whether they must take a decision together.

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Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney

A health and welfare LPA gives your attorney authority to make decisions for you regarding your medical treatment and general welfare, but they can only do so if you have lost the ability to decide for yourself. For example, they will be able to choose the best place for you to live and make sure that your daily routine is right for you, based on their knowledge of what your wishes would be. They could also make decisions about medical treatment, if it was necessary.

Making a Lasting Power of Attorney for this purpose means that someone you have chosen and really trust would make decisions for you at a time when you were at your most vulnerable.

Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney

A property and financial affairs LPA will allow your attorney to access your bank accounts, pay your bills, deal with your income, invest money on your behalf, buy or sell property, make limited cash gifts and, where needed, pay for your care home fees from your funds.

You can allow your attorney to use a financial LPA while you still have the capacity to act, for example, if you are unable to go to the bank yourself, your attorney could do this on your behalf. Our clients often find that having this help is hugely reassuring as they no longer have to worry about whether bills have been paid on time or if their financial affairs are in order.

Why do I need an LPA?

It’s a good idea when planning for the future to consider creating a LPA in case there should ever become a time when you become unable to manage your affairs. If you don’t have an LPA in place, someone will need to apply to the Court of Protection for a deputyship order to appoint a deputy to deal with matters on your behalf. This can be time-consuming, whilst in the meantime, no one will be able to access your accounts to pay bills or deal with any other issues. A deputyship order also involves substantially more costs and ongoing court supervision than an LPA.

By putting an LPA in place, you choose exactly who your attorneys are and what they can and cannot do. Your attorneys will be able to step in as soon as they are needed, to look after your affairs on your behalf.

Pricing Guides

At Heald Solicitors, we don't believe in hiding our prices and we strongly support the SRA's policy of allowing you to judge value for money.

We have always been transparent regarding our fees. There will be no hidden surprises and our costs and anticipated disbursements are fully broken down in our quotes.

Below there are links to our pricing guides that outline typical costs, timescales and disbursements.

For a more tailored quote, based on your specific circumstances, please contact us direct.

Sara Taylor

For expert advice contact our Lasting Power of Attorney solicitors

At Heald Solicitors, our LPA lawyers are experts at ensuring that you have the right LPA in place to protect you and your affairs for the future. While our office is in Milton Keynes, we are experienced in working with clients throughout England and Wales, often remotely, meaning that you can expect the same expert legal advice and excellent client care wherever you are located.

If you wish to make an LPA or you would like to discuss your options, please get in touch with our legal expert Sara Taylor .

01908 662277
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Why choose Heald Solicitors to be your Wills, Trusts and Probate lawyers?

At Heald Solicitors in Milton Keynes, our team have extensive experience in dealing with Wills, trusts and probate, including complex or high-value estates, business succession and dispute resolution.

We understand that dealing with Wills and probate can be challenging, and you will find us sympathetic and approachable. We provide excellent client care and will ensure we are always available to speak to you to discuss the progress of your matter and answer any questions you may have.

We work proactively to ensure that your case is dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible. We will always keep our costs to a minimum to ensure you receive good value.

Our approachable and dedicated team takes the time to understand your situation and provides transparent, jargon-free advice. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellent client service and delivering timely, effective results.

At Heald Solicitors, we are more than just your solicitors; we are your partners in planning, protecting, and preserving your legacy. Trust in our expertise and dedication to secure your future.