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Executor and Beneficiary Disputes Specialist Executor and Beneficiary Dispute Solicitors in Milton Keynes

At Heald Solicitors in Milton Keynes, we understand that executor and beneficiary disputes can be complex and emotionally charged. When a loved one passes away, disagreements can quickly arise, causing stress and frustration for all parties involved. Our experienced contentious probate team is here to offer expert legal guidance, helping to resolve disputes effectively and efficiently.

Common Causes of Executor and Beneficiary Disputes

Disputes between executors and beneficiaries typically arise due to:

  • Delays in estate administration
  • Lack of communication or transparency
  • Allegations of mismanagement or dishonesty
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Failure to distribute assets correctly
  • Concerns over excessive fees charged by an executor
  • Disagreements among multiple executors

Such disputes can significantly delay estate administration, causing financial and emotional strain on beneficiaries. In these circumstances, legal intervention may be necessary to resolve the matter.

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At Heald Solicitors in Milton Keynes, we are experienced in dealing quickly and effectively with executor and beneficiary disputes.

The Role of an Executor

An executor is responsible for handling all aspects of estate administration, including:

  • Valuing and managing the deceased’s assets
  • Settling outstanding debts and taxes
  • Preparing estate accounts
  • Distributing the estate according to the terms of the Will

While many executors are well-intentioned, mistakes, conflicts, or breaches of duty can occur. Beneficiaries have a right to question an executor’s actions if they believe the estate is being mismanaged or handled unfairly.

Beneficiaries’ Rights

Beneficiaries are entitled to:

  • Information regarding their inheritance
  • Regular updates on the administration process
  • Access to estate accounts (if they are residuary beneficiaries)
  • Assurance that assets are distributed in accordance with the Will

If an executor is failing to fulfill their obligations, beneficiaries may have grounds to take legal action.

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At Heald Solicitors, we can assist with a wide variety of disputes including disputes between executors, beneficiary disputes and the removal of an executor.

How Heald Solicitors Can Help

At Heald Solicitors, we assist clients with various disputes, including:

  • Executor disputes
    Resolving disagreements between executors about estate administration
  • Beneficiary claims
    Representing beneficiaries who suspect mismanagement or unfair treatment
  • Executor removal
    Assisting with applications to remove and replace an executor
  • Estate mismanagement claims
    Pursuing legal action where an executor has failed in their duties
  • Legal action against an executor
    Assisting beneficiaries in challenging executor decisions
  • Executor breach of duty claims
    Holding executors accountable for negligence or misconduct
  • Executor withholding inheritance
    Addressing concerns where beneficiaries are not receiving their rightful share

We are committed to resolving disputes as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, often through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation. However, if court action is required, we have the expertise to represent clients effectively in litigation.


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Warning Signs of a Problematic Executor

Some indicators that an executor may not be fulfilling their duties correctly include:

  • Significant delays with no explanation
  • Lack of transparency regarding estate assets
  • Unfair distribution of assets
  • Attempts to undervalue estate property
  • Suspicions of financial misconduct
  • Executor charging excessive fees
  • Ignoring the terms of the Will or intestacy rules
  • Selling or misusing estate assets improperly

If you are concerned about how an executor is managing an estate, seeking legal advice at an early stage can help prevent further issues.

Resolving Executor and Beneficiary Disputes

Where possible, we encourage resolving disputes through negotiation and mediation to avoid lengthy court proceedings. However, in cases of severe executor misconduct, we can assist in making an application to the court to remove and replace the executor.

Contact Heald Solicitors

If you are facing an executor or beneficiary dispute, our contentious probate solicitors at Heald Solicitors in Milton Keynes are here to help. We offer expert legal guidance and dedicated support to ensure that estates are administered correctly and fairly.


Contact Us Let's have a chat

Sara Taylor

For expert advice contact our contentious probate solicitors

At Heald Solicitors, our contentious probate lawyers can advise you of your rights and set out your options for you if you have concerns about an estate administration.

If you wish to talk to us about a disagreement between an estate’s executors and beneficiaries,, please get in touch with our legal expert Sara Taylor .

01908 662277
[email protected]
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Why choose Heald Solicitors to deal with your probate dispute?

We understand how stressful a probate dispute can be at what is already a difficult time. We are friendly, sensitive and approachable and you can be sure that we will do all we can to deal with issues as quickly as possible.

At Heald Solicitors in Milton Keynes, our probate team have extensive expertise in settling disputes whether you are an executor of the estate or a potential claimant. We can advise you of your rights, obligations and explain your options to you as well as representing you in court where appropriate.

Our contentious probate team can work with you to provide a solution if you find yourself either having to contest a Will or defend a challenge to a Will. If you would like to discuss your options and fully understand your rights, please feel free to give us a call.

Let's discuss your situation…

Complete the form below and we'll call you back to discuss executor and beneficiary disputes and understand your situation and requirements.

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Note: Any information you send us via this form will only be used for the purposes of processing your enquiry. It will not be used for marketing purposes or sold to third parties. View our privacy policy.

Get to know us wih a call back, at a time that suits you. Let us offer some guidance and direction to start your journey with Heald Solicitors today.